NUR1102 Assessment one University of Southern Queensland

Assessment 1: Written Assignment - Essay
Task overview

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Assessment name
NUR1102 Assessment One: Written Assignment
Brief task description
Students will select one only of the two clinical scenarios provided. The task requires students to Identify and discuss the therapeutic communication required for the scenario. Students will also apply the communication skills, strategies and approaches that best support therapeutic communication between the nurse, patient and family.
Due Date
3rd April, 2020  2355hrs (AEST)
1,500 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes the reference list and appendices)
Marks out of:
(marks out of 100)
Course Objectives measured
CLO 1. Apply a range of communication theories and concepts and their application in nursing practice.
CLO 2. Apply therapeutic communication knowledge to case studies.
CLO 3. Identify and reflect upon factors that contribute to effective and ineffective interpersonal and inter and intra professional communication and the implications for patient safety.
CLO 5. Use and reflect on emerging critical thinking, digital literacy and health literacy using correct academic writing skills.

Task information
Task detail
Introduction (150 words)
This is the outline of the content to be discussed in your essay.  You will identify to the reader the key information that will be provided in your assignment, inclusive of application of the interpersonal communication strategies and skills, based on your current level of knowledge and understanding that will help to achieve therapeutic communication between the participants. Consider the relevant concept of care for the scenario in your application. Reference to the communication tool that would contribute to achieving effective intra-professional communication is also sought.

Body (1200 words including references)

Here you will provide a deeper explanation of the outlined information from your introduction.
1.       Provide an analysis of the chosen scenario showing where there is ineffective communication between the nurse and patient.
2.       Explain the concept of care that is relevant to the chosen scenario and how it contributes to achieving effective therapeutic communication.
3.       Explain the strategies, skills and approaches that best support therapeutic communication between the nurse, patient and family in the chosen scenario for best patient outcomes.
4.       Reflect on your emerging health literacy skills relative to the case study.

You will draw upon scholarly literature (references) to support your developed knowledge and understanding of the scenario and your analysis and application of strategies, skills and approaches.

Conclusion (150 words)
This is the summation of your assignment, what you have discussed and therefore what you have concluded. It is a brief overview of information discussed and your perspective on it, supported by literature to bring impact to your conclusion. Remember not to include any new work or references.
Writing Style
-          Correct Academic Writing as per USQ guidelines
-          APA 7th Edition Referencing (no less than 6 references, 1 reference to approx. 200 words)
-          Contemporary Literature must be sourced (no more than 7 years old)
Formatting Style
-          Double spacing
-          Font: 12 point
-          Times New Roman
-          Page numbers
-          No headings or subheadings to be used
Resources available to complete task
USQ academic writing is provided in links on the course Resources Tab.

Submission information
What you need to submit
One Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:               
·       Your assignment document
·       No coversheet but footer must include: surname_initial_studentnumber_coursecode_A1_page no
·       Do not include the marking criteria sheet
Submission requirements
This assessment must be submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft Word document via Turnitin. The Turnitin process may take up to 24 hours to produce a report. Therefore, allow adequate time to do this and address any issues of plagiarism detected by Turnitin before final submission. *Any percentage that relates to plagiarism detected by Turnitin is a concern and requires you to address this. A Turnitin % of greater than 15% will not be accepted.
File Name Conventions
Save your document with the following naming conventions: surname_initial_studentnumber_coursecode_A1.doc/docx
All staff assessing your work meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalised.
Academic Integrity Statement
The USQ policy on Academic Integrity can be found on the link below:

Late Submissions Penalty
Please refer to the link on late submission of assessment items and penalties applied – Late Submissions of Assignments – 4.2.4 
Penalty is 5% of the total mark, per business day.
Scenario 1
You are commencing an evening shift as a graduate registered nurse (GRN) in an Aged Care Facility. You have just received patient handover from the staff on the morning shift. One of your patients, Mrs Pamela Jones, is an elderly woman aged 78 who has had some episodes of confusion and disorientation in the facility, particularly with finding her bed. She is crying softly and is visibly upset. As you approach to assist her, she becomes frustrated about her “failing memory” and asks for the nurse who has cared for her today to come immediately to help her, and pushes you away. Her son arrives at that moment and asks what has happened as he sees his mother crying. He looks at you, stating loudly, “Are you the nurse? What has happened? I have not seen her this upset before?”

Scenario 2
You are on clinical placement in an aged care facility as a first year nursing student. The assistant in nursing (AIN) you are buddied with today has requested you to help with an assisted shower for resident Mr. Glen Potter, a 94 year old man who has partial hearing loss and wears a hearing aid, however has removed it for his shower. As you commence the shower, the AIN motions to leave the bathroom, alerting you to a call on her mobile phone from her son’s school saying she insists she must answer it. She leaves you alone with Mr. Potter in the bathroom, who quickly becomes distressed with the AIN’s absence and starts shouting at you, “No, no, stop what you’re doing! You aren’t washing me properly”. Mr. Potter grabs the shower nozzle out of your hand, showering you with water. You try to calm Mr. Potter and attempt to remove the shower from his hand just as the AIN returns, saying loudly, “What happened? I can hear him shouting out in the ward! Why are you so wet?”


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