MEDI1022 Social Media & Emerging Technology

MEDI1022 Social Media & Emerging Technology

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Final Individual Project: Web Traffic & Social Media Analytics


Due Date: Monday, August 2nd by 11:59 PM ET


Purpose: To teach common web traffic analytics and social network analysis; experience creating such reports.

Method: Digital analytics tools; social network analysis

Method: Digital analytics tools; social network analysis

Notes: Group Assignment; We will do data analysis in class and jumpstart the writing of your methods and results.

Things You Will Learn:

         Intermediate research report writing

         Write a problem statement and research objective.

         How to use Google Analytics software.

         How to conduct social network analysis with Buffer

         How and why organizations do sentiment analysis, and their limitations.

         Writing Secondary Research and Methods sections

                                                                                                              Interpreting Data                                                                                                             



1.       Title Page: Use the template provided in the “Course Resources” section in Moddle.

2.       Problem Overview: Includes problem statement, research objective & research questions/hypotheses. See the guidelines on p.3 below “Info for your Problem Overview”.

3.       Methods:

   3/4 of a page

·       Please see the "Info for your Methods" section at the bottom of this document. You have 3 different data sources.)

   Measurements: To answer each RQ, what will/did you measure and what does that mean?

·       For example, how is sentiment calculated? How is share of voice calculated?

   Method of Analysis: Provide an overview of what tools were used to perform the analysis.

4.       Results: length: as needed

   Organize by research question - the research questions are towards the bottom of this document.

   Use graphs and/or charts and/or tables generated from your research to visualize every main finding. Provide a sentence or two describing the result underneath that visual if needed.

Implications & Recommendations:

   This is where you explain to your client your interpretation based on your analysis and what you recommend, they do to improve. Here's how:

   Based on your results, what are 5 key takeaways or insights the client should know?

·       Be specific, citing examples from your results to back up your statements.


   You'll need to conduct independent research (such as course texts from this or past classes, articles from this course outline or the social media class, independent articles) to support your reasoning to the below questions:

         Based on your findings, is the client meeting their web traffic objectives? Provide evidence to support your reasoning. In so doing, be sure to address:

o   What types of stories do you recommend producing more of, given the data?

o   What locations both domestically and abroad should the client consider targeting with future paid promotional efforts?

o   What social media platforms should the client spend more effort on to drive traffic to their site? Why?

   What recommendations do you have to this organization to engage in the Twitter community?

o   What conversation clusters should they be aware of?

o   Who are the influencers you recommend engaging with?

o   Which persons could help the organization bridge into different clusters?

   What other recommendations do you have?

References: An alphabetic list of your references



We'll use APA formatting in this class. Rely on the "APA Research Paper Template" under the Course Resources tab, when writing your paper. You can type directly into it.


When citing, rely on the APA Quick Guide template for in text citations and reference lists (also available under the Course Resources tab).




The following is a guide to help you format your paper, you may use the following as a structure



Info for your Problem Overview


Problem or Opportunity: THE CLIENT moved to an all-digital presence several years ago. As a result, readership took a hit. The organization is aware that their website traffic can be monitored, and that this information could help it create content that will help grow and maintain readership. THE CLIENT is also aware that social media network analysis can help them better identify their audience and its needs.

THE CLIENT wants to know how their articles are performing, how people are finding its site, and information about its visitors. THE CLIENT wants to use this information to drive traffic to its website and identify topics that its audience cares about. However, the organization does not have the staff or funding to do so. It has thus turned to the MEDI1022 Agency for help.


Campaign Goals and Objectives: 1) To grow THE CLIENT'S online audience. T2) To better serve the information needs of THE CLIENT'S audience.


Objectives for the first quarter of this year (January through March):

1. To have stories filed in the "REDACTED" category of THE CLIENT'S website be the majority of the 5 performing

5. articles on WEBSITE [desired outcome)

2.       To have at least 15% of visitors to THE CLIENT'S website be return visitors. [desired outcome)

3.       To have at least 15% of traffic to THE CLIENT'S website be from outside of the U.S. [desired outcome)

4.       To have at least 20% of traffic to the website come from social media. [desired outcome)

5.       To increase engagement with Twitter communities to build credibility of the client as a social media education expert. [desired outcome)


Research Objective: The purpose of this study is to perform a website and social media analytics audit of INSERT CLIENT NAME [subject of study) in INSERT TIME PERIOD using Google Analytics and social network analysis software [method) to understand INSERT CLIENT’s NAME current web traffic and social media and provide insights and recommendations for enhancing their website and social media presence [variable of interest: too many to list here, you'll see them below) to meet their campaign objectives.


Research Questions: (I provide them below, you'll need to modify their text a little. I have organized them by platform that we will use):


Google Analytics (We'll go over in class, this resource can give you a good idea of reports: and analytics-reports-client)

1.       What has the overall web traffic been like since the start of January?

2.       Are more Canadian English-speaking people coming to the website from a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device?

3.       How do the mobile and desktop sites compare in terms of bounce rate, pages/ session, and average session duration?

4.       For the top three cities the traffic is coming from, what are the total number of users, total number of new users, number of sessions, bounce rate, and average session duration?

5.       What countries does the client have a growing audience in and may want to consider advertising in outside of the United States?

6.       How is the client performing in terms of driving returning visitors to its website?

7.       In order of most to least, how are the different channels performing in terms of driving users to the website?

8.       Which sources/ mediums are producing the lowest bounce rate for our site?

9.       What are the best performing and worst performing social networks in terms of website sessions?

10.   What website page (URL from the website) received the highest number of sessions from what social network with the highest average session duration?

11.   What pages get the highest page views?

12.   What search terms are driving the top 25% of traffic to the website?


Social Network Analysis Data: We'll go over in class.


Depending on what your networks are, you'll need to choose from the RQs below. Choose all that are appropriate.


Feel free to create your own. Discard the rest.


For networks that analyze hashtags or search terms:

1. What users are popular (i.e. have high in-degree) in this network and how often is each popular account

1.       mentioned?

2.       Which influencers are hub influencers?

3.       Which influencers are bridge influencers?

4.       What users mention others or RT others a lot in this network (i.e., have high out-degree)?

5.       What unique clusters exist in this network?

6.       For networks analyzing mentions of your client

1.       What 3 Twitter accounts mention your client the most? How often does each mention your client (i.e., how many out-degree from those accounts to your client)?

2.       What clusters are talking about your client?







Info for your Methods Data -where your data was obtained from:

Note, your data is not all necessarily from the same time period. So, it is important to note the dates the data is from for each of the below.


   Google Analytics data is collected through Google Analytics on the client's website.

Be sure to report the date range.

   Social Network Analysis Data: The social network analysis Tweets will come from your choice of either Tweets within a 5km radius of a location, or mentioning a hashtag, keyword, or Twitter account (You'll set this up in Buffer when you create your account). The time period will depend on your parameters. Be sure to record them.


Methods of analysis:

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1.       Client Social Media Profile & Engagement Analysis

a.       We'll use Pivot Tables to explore your client's posts on social media and analyze their overall engagement. For example, we'll determine the top posts your client has made that have gotten the most likes.

2.       Analyzing Trends:

a.       We'll use Buffer ( and analyze the conversation surrounding your brand.

3.       Social Network Analysis

a.       We'll use Buffer ( to build social networks and analyze them.


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